406-22 – Wilkinkarra – PAULINE SUNFLY


Wilkinkarra by PAULINE SUNFLY

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Title : Wilkinkarra
Size/Medium : 914 x 610mm: acrylic on linen Painting

Pauline has painted some of her father’s country. Pauline’s father, Sunfly Tjampitjin, was a senior custodian for country south of Balgo, near vast salt lake of Wilkinkarra (Lake MacKay). The country depicted here is named Liltjin. The many lines throughout the painting are the dry creek beds which during the wet season flow into Wilkinkarra. During the Tjukurrpa (Dreaming) people lived in the holes depicted. Pauline is the daughter of Bai Bai Napangarti.

Weight 0.8 kg
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