310-21 – Nyilla – Josephine Nangagee


Nyilla by Josephine Nangagee

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Artist : Josephine Nangagee
Title : Nyilla
Size/Medium : 610 x 457mm: acrylic on canvas Painting

Josephine painted this artwork whilst she was on country, staying at Nyinmi. It was painted during our connection to country Ngurra Kutjuwarra trip. The painting depicts the sand hills and the rockholes all around Nyinmi country. One of the rockholes, Nyilla, Josephine saw when she went up in the helicopter during our camp! 

Josephine says “When I was young with my parents and family they showed me how to hunt and showed me my country. All the rockholes and sandunes for hunting in.”

Weight 0.8 kg
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