Title : Minna Minna
Size/Medium : 813 x 305mm: acrylic on canvas Painting
In this painting Jeanie recounts learning from her grandmother and mother about how to make shoes. On her grandmothers country; Minna Minna. which is east of Yagga Yagga. Our family used to make shoes in the olden times. We would make the fire put sticks in the coals to make strings for the shoes. Then we would spread out and travel to places like Lajamau, Yeundamu Nylpi eating malu (Kangaroo) and bushtucker along the way. This happened when i was a little baby. The U shapes depict people sitting around, with a digging stick and a coolomun full of branches each. The kaleidoscope of colours and shapes in the centre of the painting represent fire and all of the plants that they used to collect to cook up on that fire. Jeanie learnt from her mother, who learnt from her grandmother, how to cook the sticks until their skin drys and peels off. Then they would turn the bark into string for the shoes.
Weight | 0.8 kg |